Thread Vein Removal.
Thread veins can appear on the legs as a result of family history or post occupation situations, such as continuous hours of standing. As they spread, they can become an aesthetic problem and ocassionally cause symptoms such as tiredness in the legs.
Sclerotheraphy is a treatment long considered to be the gold standard for removing unsightly thread veins on the legs. Treatment consists of tiny injections into the little red veins which leads to inflammation and causes the veins to constrict and collapse.

Sclerotherapy removes veins and stops them spreading.


It is a fast procedure that takes between 15 mins and an hour, depending of the severity of the veins, and usually requires more than one session. After the treatment the veins can look a little worse but in the course of the next few weeks you will notice the result. With this treatment it is possible to stop thread veins from spreading but we can't stop them appearing in areas that have not been treated. It is therefore recommended that, following initial treatment, a session is carried out once a year in areas where they are beginning to appear.
Excersise and a balanced diet which helps to reduce liquid retention are important factors in maintaining the results obtained from the treatment. In general, it is a safe treatment but a detailed diagnosis is very important to make sure that the deep veins are in good condition, in order to avoid any possible complication.