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Radiesse & Hyaluronic Acid


Radiesse & Hyaluronic Acid


Chin augmentation can change the contours of your chin through the injection of dermal fillers. This fillers add volume under the skin making the chin appear more prominent or increase its definition.


Chin enhancement using dermal fillers can subtly change the appearance of the chin area. It can make the chin appear more chiselled-a common request from male patients- or create sifter contours, as requested by many women.


Candidates for chin augmentation treatments are adults who want to change the contours of their chins. Whether your chin has become less prominent as a result of ageing or weight fluctuations or has asymmetries you would like to correct.


Some patients undergo this treatment as a way to “try out” the potential results of surgical chin augmentation without having to commit to surgery. 



A stong chin is an important element of an attractive face. An ample chin can add definition, help create symmetry and bring balance to facial features.

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